| 1. | He didn't betray it by any spoken word . 他嘴里并没说一句让他露出破绽的话。 |
| 2. | First, we must not simply project the written word on to the spoken word . 第一,我们决不能简单地把书面语的词硬搬到口语里。 |
| 3. | The centers of vision and hearing enable us to understand written or spoken words . !!视听中枢使我们能理解书面的和口头的词句。 |
| 4. | He spoke words slowly, thrusting a stubby finger toward his face . 他慢条斯理地吐着一字一句,一边伸出一只短粗的指头对着他的脸戳戳。 |
| 5. | But when he did find spoken words for it, they came to him coherently, though slowly . 但是他一找到要说的言词也就连惯地说下去了,虽然缓慢。 |
| 6. | The announcer, with rich dramatic doom in his voice, spoke words that arrested her pen . 广播员的洪亮清晰和富有感情的声音,使她不由得停下笔。 |
| 7. | The spoken word and the printed page are simply two different ways to communicate . 嘴里说出来的话和纸上印出来的字只不过是两种不同的交际手段。 |
| 8. | Study on age of acquisition of children ' s spoken words 儿童口语词汇获得年龄效应 |
| 9. | For attractive lips , speak words of kindness 要想拥有迷人的双唇,说善意的话。 |
| 10. | For attractive lips , speak words of kindness 魅力的双唇,在于亲切友善的语言。 |